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30 Cakes That You Certainly Didn’t Want On Your Child’s Birthday!

Forget all the games – the highlight of every child’s birthday party is the cake! Lovingly designed and extra sweet, of course. The same applies to other occasions: What would a wedding be without a festive cake? But because the cake attracts so much attention, you can fail just as spectacular trying to bake one.

Just take a look at the following examples: Here are 20 people who will not try to bake a cake again anytime soon!

#1 “I tried really hard”

Daughter wanted a homemade “Little Mermaid” cake. I tried really hard. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#2 Dolly Pardon

My aunt tried to make a cake of Dolly Parton for a friend from r/ExpectationVsReality

#3 Belle (almost)

Belle cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#4 Eyes that follow you in your nightmares

Elmo / Elmer from r/ExpectationVsReality

#5 Children’s birthday or bachelorette party?

From a kids party to a bachelorette sorry real quick from r/ExpectationVsReality

#6 Darth Maul gained some weight

My Darth Maul birthday cake ate too much cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#7 “Tried A Mirror Glaze”

Tried a mirror glaze. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#8 Well then, Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! from r/ExpectationVsReality

#9 Well, that’s not so bad – right?

I was in rehab for hard drugs at 21, and this is still by far the biggest failure of my life… from r/ExpectationVsReality

#10 Is this a caricature?

[OC] Well I tried. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#11 A psychedelic dragon

My wife made a dragon cake for her mother’s birthday… from r/ExpectationVsReality

#12 This doesn’t really look tasty

This attempt at a rainbow crepe cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#13 Elsa in rehab

Elsa cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#14 Just perfect

Nailed it! from r/ExpectationVsReality

#15 “There was an attempt by my dad to make my brother a Patrick Star birthday cake”

There was an attempt by my dad to make my brother a Patrick Star birthday cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#16 …just like this Minnie Mouse

Minnie gained some weight from r/ExpectationVsReality

#17 “My sister attempted to make a red velvet Christmas tree cake…”

My sister attempted to make a red velvet Christmas tree cake… from r/ExpectationVsReality

#18 This melted rooster

I way over-estimated my abilities. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#19 What kind of idea is this anyway?

Tried my best to make a roach cake for my 8 yo. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#20 Chewie, what happened to you?

Friends parents tried to re-do a Chewbacca cake they found on the internet for his birthday… from r/ExpectationVsReality

#21 At least something like a cartoon version

Ordered cake on left, received cake on right. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#22 Maybe at the next wedding

Grooms cake disaster, what we wanted vs. what we got from r/ExpectationVsReality

#23 Sad Spidey…

A spoderman cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#24 “I tried making Japanese cotton sponge cake…”

I tried making Japanese cotton sponge cake… from r/ExpectationVsReality

#25 This majestic peacock

Peacock cake of dreams from r/ExpectationVsReality

#26 Snow White – run through the wringer

Snow white cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#27 A galaxy mirror cake

I tried to make my girlfriend a galaxy mirror cake from r/ExpectationVsReality

#28 “Yup. My wedding cake”

Yup. My wedding cake. from r/ExpectationVsReality

#29 Oh yes, happy birthday, Billie…

Ordered the cake on the left, got the one on the right from r/ExpectationVsReality

#30 “The wedding cake we ordered vs the cake we picked up”

The wedding cake we ordered vs the cake we picked up. from r/ExpectationVsReality

Have you ever failed at baking in a similar way? Show us the pictures in the FB comments!


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